sunday gatherings

Beginning 2/23, A Restoration Church gathers at 11am on Sundays at 1000 Elm St, Glenview, IL.

We are a church centered on worship in its many forms. Our different types of Sunday gatherings are one way we honor the diverse needs and expressions of our community.

Our goal is to provide a welcoming space where all can feel connected to God and each other through the practices of worship. We invite you to join us and find your place in our community of worshipers.

Sunday Services

  • Join us as we center ourselves on Scripture, engage in worship, and grow in our faith through learning and prayer. Together, we weekly participate in communion as a reminder of Christ's sacrifice and love for us. Gather with our community at 11am at 1000 Elm St, Glenview, IL 60025 or online on YouTube or FaceBook.

Community Sundays

  • Community Sundays are a special time for our entire community to come together and worship as one. Our worship services are family-friendly, so children and adults alike can participate and grow in their faith. On Community Sundays everyone is invited to stay afterward for fellowship and fun activities.

    We are a community that believes in the power of sharing a meal together as Jesus modeled in His ministry. On select Community Sundays, we gather for worship followed by a shared meal.

Sabbath Sundays

  • Sabbath Sundays are a unique time of intentional rest where our community does not meet in-person. Instead we invite the community to take the opportunity to open our hearts and minds to what God has in store for us, and consider spending time with loved ones or in personal prayer and worship to center ourselves on the Lord and renew ourselves for the week ahead.

Visiting for the first time?

  • We are committed to being a community where no one is nameless or faceless. We would love to know if you’re planning to join us! Email us at!

  • Our community meets within Glenview Community Church, located at 1000 Elm St, Glenview, IL 60025.

  • View the Parking Map

  • If you and your family are joining on Sunday, pre-register your kids here for easy Sunday check-in!

  • Our Sunday Gatherings are live streamed to Youtube and Facebook. Click here for more information about our online community.

Our church is made possible by people like you.

There are so many ways to get involved with our community! Whether you’re local or remote, we want to help you get connected!